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Dec 10, 2021

John the Baptist is often thought of as a stern, grim figure.  But as a matter of fact, he could be the patron saint of joy!  Maybe that’s why is is the focal point of the gospel for Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday, the third (3rd) Sunday of Advent.  Joy comes only through humility and repentance.

On the third Sunday...

Dec 4, 2021

Advent is a season of joy & hope.  Paul says to rejoice in hope.  But what is hope, anyway?  How does this theological virtue differ from faith and what does it have to do with rejoicing?

Nov 24, 2021

In the midst of the tragic Civil War that caused so much death and destruction in America, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed two special days: the last Thursday of April 1863 as a <a href="">National Day of Prayer...

Oct 29, 2021

Hear O Israel!  Most have heard of the Great Commandment - to love God with your whole heart and your neighbor as yourself.  But if God is just and salvation depends upon perfect obedience to this command, who can be saved?  For the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, cycle B.

Oct 22, 2021

The story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar who met Jesus on the road to Jericho, is a dramatic event from the Gospel of Mark that illustrates something very important about the true nature of Christian faith.  For the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, cycle B.