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Dec 26, 2020

The Feast of the Holy Family is an essential part of the Christmas Season.  It makes clear that the Incarnation means not just that the Divine Word assumed a human body, but entered into every aspect of human life, including family life sanctifying it all and making it a path to holiness.

Nov 17, 2020

The feast of Jesus Christ the Universal King was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 and is observed on the last Sunday of the Roman Catholic Liturgical Year. It causes us to ponder what sort of authority, kingdom and dominion are truly lasting, and what judgment will be truly final.

Oct 28, 2020

All Saints Day, observed on November 1, gives us the opportunity to honor the multitudes of Christians who are in heaven yet are not on either the canonized saint list or the liturgical calendar.  But it also provides us the chance to reflect on just what holiness is and who is called to sanctity.

Sep 30, 2020

St. Francis is sometimes regarded as patron saint of the environment.  But to tell the truth, Francis love for the cosmos was something quite different than the attitude of some today who would call themselves environmentalists.


Sep 28, 2020

7 minute podcast describing the Dead Sea and the mysterious ruins of Qumran on its western shore where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.