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Apr 29, 2020

This resurrection sermon by St. Maximus of Turin hits on many of the same themes and images of the Exultet Hymn that is sung every year in the Easter vigil of the Roman liturgy proclaiming “Christ, our light, our endless day, is risen!” 

Apr 23, 2020

Cleopas and his unnamed companion were dejected as they made their way along the road to Emmaus.  Their encounter with a stranger who rebuilds their faith and gives them hope to recognize him in the breaking of the bread - this illustrates for us what the Eucharist is really about.

Apr 3, 2020

This podcast on the passion of Jesus was originally written as a commentary on the scripture readings for Palm Sunday but makes for a great read anytime during the Lenten Season, especially Holy Week.   The suffering and death of  Christ reveals the depths of sin and the intensity of divine love.